Bring Them In. Build Them Up. Send Them Out.

We, as a part of the body of Christ, profess our faith in Jesus Christ. As the Korean ­American Christian Fellowship (KCF) we are unified by the will of God for the purpose of worshiping and praising Him, in whom we have eternal likeness; in encouraging spiritual growth through fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ; and in executing Christ’s Great Commission by witnessing to unbelievers. All this is done with the purpose to raise disciples and disciple makers of Christ.

English Ministry of KBC

The Korean Baptist Church of Binghamton (KBC) was founded by God's grace in December 1983 with the help of the Southern Baptist Conference. We are a member of the Korean American Baptist Conference.

KBC’s mission is to serve the (campus) fellowship ministry, providing resources to the many undergraduate and graduate students and local community members who seek to worship and grow closer to God. The church aims to bring in the youth from local campuses, build them in their personal relationships with God through fellowship and spiritual resources, and send them out when they return home to further God’s kingdom and be the salt and light of the world as Jesus commanded in the Word.

In 2016, the leaders of KCF and KBC agreed to a merge, leading to KCF’s status as a sub-ministry of KBC, more specifically the English Ministry. As such, most members of KCF attend KBC regularly on Sundays, though this is not a requirement as we encourage students to attend the church that they believe best fits them. Since the merge, KCF and KBC have been working closely together to grow the church and build up God’s people to further His kingdom.